This wall element explains to children how the nose is the location of the sense of smell which we use to learn about odours of substances. Odors can be strong, weak, pleasant, unpleasant or a combination of the four. When a child touches the flower shown in the middle of the panel, a simulated flow of odour from the flower to the nose will be seen. It explains to children how the nose will sense the odours. The child then see the smell turning into signal and being transmitted to the brain. Flow of odour and signal is achieved by lighting up a series of LED's. It makes understandng how the Sense of Smell works easy. At the bottom, there are three wooden compartments each with an acrylic tray inside. Teachers can place different things into them and ask children to determine the odors of the substances hiding under the covers. There is a play chart asking children to classify things human can smell and things human cannot smell. Children will also be taught how to protect their senses of smell under different circumstances.SIZE(cm) : L:46.00 W:46.00 H:8.30 (inch) : L:18.1 W:18.1 H:3.3